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It's time for a post-game smoke, where I give a few thoughts on a game as soon as possible after playing it. The credits are currently rolling on Wolfenstein: The New Order. I have no idea why it took me so long to find play this amazing game. I probably assumed it was just another run and gun shooter, but I’m here to tell you that it is much, much more.

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I don't collect games, so the pick-up video genre is largely beyond me. But when I travel, I make a point to visit the local game stores. And rather than fill my suitcase with knick knack souvenirs that will only gather dust I bring home video games. I visited The Video Game Dungeon at the Daytona Flea and Farmer's market in Daytona Beach, Florida as well as Blue Dragon Video Games in Ormond Beach, Florida. What did I pick up? Watch to find out.

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I just finished Mighty Gunvolt Burst on the Nintendo Switch, and as the credits just barely come to an end, I offer up a few thoughts before I’m on to the next game.

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I just returned from a vacation in Ormond Beach, Florida, where I played a lot of Mighty Gunvolt Burst on the Nintendo Switch (and yes, I spent a lot of time with my family, too). But all this game-playing while on vacation got me thinking about whether or not I’m doing wrong by my vacation when I’m preoccupied playing video games. What are your thoughts? Does playing video games during a vacation ruin the vacation? Tell me in the comments below.

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Do people in the future even know what of their life has been influenced by video games? In the  future, will video games and common design aesthetics overlap so much that the line between them is as hard to make out as the pixelated inspirations themselves? Is that previous sentence way to convoluted?

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I just finished Psychonauts, and as the credits just barely come to an end, I offer up a few thoughts before I’m on to the next game.

Nostalgia does good work for humans, mainly by highlighting positive moments of our youth. It’s bittersweet sure, as we can be tricked into thinking things will never be as good as they once were, but the net effect is that life feels more meaningful and, by proxy, death feels less frightening. Nostalgia smooths over the rough parts of childhood, so we aren’t emotionally weighed down by how awkward we were as kids.
