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@ What to Wear During an Orange Alert, my story “Sarah Palin, 12 Strikes for Workers” is on the Watch List. You should read, too (Note: I know, taking a shot at Sarah Palin is easy…maybe that’s why I did it.)

@ Deckfight Mel Bosworth names Charactered Pieces as one of the five best things he’s read recently. I share the list with Ben Tanzer, not bad company at all.

@ Goodreads and Amazon the positive reviews of Charactered Pieces keep coming in.

@ Full of Crow Charactered Pieces gets a great few words of praise. It’s almost like I have valid words to contribute to this world.

@ Write Club News, Mlaz hooks Write Club up with a news blog to show off the successes of Write Club members. It’s a very cool way to group all of us together. Thank, Marky!
